Saturday, November 18. 2006Convolutions![]()
(Q26) Meanwhile, I know that a convolution of one function First I convolved a square with a small Gaussian—this is nothing less than a Gaussian blur:
Note that the blur would already occur even if the second object were solid! Look at the square convolved with itself:
Then I watched how these bars convolve with each other:
Notice how the blurness shrinks when the two objects can’t overlap much.
Posted by Stephan Paukner
in Master's Thesis
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Raising questions, 66-69![]()
Posted by Stephan Paukner
in Master's Thesis
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Wednesday, November 15. 2006The exponential in $R^d$, II![]()
(Q15) I’m gonna show you some cool Gabor atoms on
CODE: [xx yy] = meshgrid(linspace(-2,2,100));
v=[1 1.5];
e1 = exp(pi*i*( v(1)*xx + v(2)*yy ));
w=[-1 4];
e2 = exp(pi*i*( w(1)*xx + w(2)*yy ));
![]() ![]()
See how the value of the frequency changes with the length of
CODE: g1 = exp(-(xx.^2+yy.^2));
g2 = exp(-4*(xx.^2+yy.^2));
![]() ![]()
And now these are the modulated Gaussians, whose set of translates across
CODE: imagesc(real(g1.*e1))
![]() ![]() Tuesday, November 14. 2006Raising questions, 63-65![]()
Posted by Stephan Paukner
in Master's Thesis
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Sunday, November 12. 2006The exponential in $R^d$![]()
In question 15 I want to make a picture how
This zero-line will now change its angle on the zero-plane while varying the fixed vector [xx yy]=meshgrid(linspace(-2,2,50));
and then made a plot corresponding to mesh(xx+yy) The resulting 3D-plot shows a boring inclined plane. To better see the location and orientation of the zero-line, I plot the absolute values: mesh(abs(xx+yy))
![]() To see the orientation even better, I chose
![]() ![]() ![]()
The turning around of that plane now corresponds to the behavior of the mentioned inner product function on Saturday, November 11. 2006Raising questions, 1-62![]() When I started on my way to my Masters degree seriously in January 2006, several questions began to arise in the course of time, and they continue to do so. While there were some very fundamental questions at the beginning (because my last contact to FA and basic analysis had been quite some time ago), they matured to some more advanced questions today. Here, I give a list of them, in their order of appearance. The answers, however, and as far as they have already been provided anyway, did not come up in the same order. Some questions are so general that they are to be understood as a challenge to look into the books and get familiar with it. This list will continue to grow in separate entries. Also, for the sake of documentation, currently missing answers will only be given separately. Continue reading "Raising questions, 1-62"
Posted by Stephan Paukner
in Master's Thesis
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Friday, November 10. 2006A reading approach to time-frequency analysis![]() Here I give my personal reading approach to get familiar with the topics which the NuHAG is working on. This is just one way to get started, and I will mention some pros and cons I noticed. There is always some redundancy, but in my eyes that was of great worth. A good way to get some first impressions is to read A Short Introduction to Gabor Analysis by Thomas Strohmer, which is the introductory chapter of [Feichtinger/Strohmer] and is also available online. You could also read the introductory chapters of [Blatter], which will make clear what the central ideas are in general. After having read that, you also want to understand it all. Continue reading "A reading approach to time-frequency analysis"
Posted by Stephan Paukner
in Master's Thesis
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Wednesday, November 1. 2006Progress with the books, papers and MATLAB![]() I’m starting with the last chapter in Christensen and plan to have finished it on Nov. 5th. I still have some pages left in ch. 11 of Gröchenig as well as the whole ch. 12+13; I plan to have finished them by the mid of November. Then there’s the whole time of the day available for selected chapters of HGFei/Strohmer and—primarily—the GA4IP-stuff. I also got myself into the MATLAB/Octave toolboxes and went through the diary (i.e. the MATLAB logfile) of HGFei and the examples of P. Søndergaard. (BTW, Søndergaard will be in Vienna at Nov. 8th for a talk at NuHAG.) Tomorrow I’ll visit the IT-staff at the institute to get a mathematics/MATLAB computing account. This term, I’ll visit HGFei’s lecture on Selected Topics in Modern Analysis, which takes place Monday and Thursday 10-11 a.m. Although this hour is “in the middle” of my working time at SOL4-IT, I’ll have to be there regularly, at any cost.
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