Saturday, November 11. 2006
When I started on my way to my Masters degree seriously in January 2006, several questions began to arise in the course of time, and they continue to do so. While there were some very fundamental questions at the beginning (because my last contact to FA and basic analysis had been quite some time ago), they matured to some more advanced questions today. Here, I give a list of them, in their order of appearance. The answers, however, and as far as they have already been provided anyway, did not come up in the same order. Some questions are so general that they are to be understood as a challenge to look into the books and get familiar with it.
This list will continue to grow in separate entries. Also, for the sake of documentation, currently missing answers will only be given separately.
What is the adjoint of an operator?
See Functional Analysis. In detail: For normed spaces and and a bounded linear operator , the adjoint operator is defined by . I.e., in the end a functional had been evaluated on . The functional on the image has been mapped by to a functional on the preimage. For Hilbert spaces and , given , and the isomorphisms , the adjoint operator is defined by . It can now be written as . A remaining question is about the meaning of the mentioned isomorphisms - see 62).
What happens to an operator if it is moved into/out of an inner product?
This question is nonsense. The confusion came from the notation . The remaining question is how comes into the inner product.
What is a unitary operator?
yields and .
- What does it mean when windows
are (in-)complete in ?
A sequence is complete if it spans the whole space.
To what extent are the dual windows
not uniquely defined?
There are several dual sequences possible to reconstruct , but only the canonical dual has minimal -norm.
What is a Weyl-Heisenberg system?
Another name for a Gabor system.
What does “locally compact” mean?
What’s a separable TF-lattice and what’s so special about it?
What’s a separable Hilbert space and what’s so special about it?
Separable means that there’s a countable dense subset. Now every element can be approximated by finite linear combinations of elements in that subset. This is true for every Banach space.
What properties do bases of infinitely dimensional spaces have compared to those of spaces with finite dimension?
What’s “Parseval’s formula for orthonormal bases”?
An orthonormal basis of a Hilbert space implies that .
Why are bounds used in the frame definition? Why is
not enough?
For the properties of the frame operator, this is enough, but it is often convenient to have estimates for the bounds, as they define the redundancy of the frame and therefore important properties. The remaining question is what exactly that means - see 55).
Why do we always talk about the special case
and e.g. not ? The same goes with .
Well, and for are no Hilbert spaces! The inner product is essential for frame theory. What qualifies compared to other Hilbert spaces is that it is a function space. But there are sometimes more suitable function spaces which are dense in , e.g. the Schwartz space , as it is FT-invariant. A similar statement is valid for the sequence space —look at Parseval’s formula or the frame definition!
What does “essentially bounded” mean?
A property is “essentially” valid if it is only hurt on zero-sets. is the space of essentially bounded functions.
What does
look like for ?
Note that is the inner product on and therefore always real. So is staying the circular function with values on the unit circle. The remaining question is how the inner product behaves as a function , e.g., when is it in such that the circle function has value = 1 (one period finished)?
What is an example of a continuous function which is not uniformly continuous?
What’s so special about continuous functions with compact support? Where’s the connection to partial integration? What actually is partial integration?
Well, partial integration occurs when integrating a product of functions: . (BTW, this follows by integrating the well-known equation .) For functions with compact support the integral vanishes at the borders (at infinity), because the function equals zero from a certain point on. Therefore you only need to do finite calculations.
What’s the Gaussian integral theorem?
What are commonized (=weak) derivatives?
This is a question of distribution theory.
Why is
for ?
The answer has already been given in 17).
Why is
and why should this be clear?
Well, look at the definition of the FT: It’s an integral of a product of a function with an exponential . The absolute value of that product only leaves , as . The inequality is finally just the triangular inequality, and on the left-hand side the supreme is taken. Note that this inequality means that the FT is essentially bounded only for -functions. The remaining question is how the prefactor is arising, see 56).
When does
exist and when is it continuous?
Why are absolutely convergent series so special?
The order of the summands does not matter, i.e., absolute convergence implies unconditional convergence.
What is the functional determinant? Why does
yield ?
Why is
“nearly constant” on if circles around the origin with frequency in the time-interval ?
Note: (polar representation).
Find visualizations and interpretations of the convolution of functions.
What are holomorphic functions?
What are Taylor series?
Why are the eigenvalues of a self-adjoint operator real?
Trivial: .
What is a regular operator/matrix? What’s so special about those?
What is a positive (semi-)definite operator/matrix? What’s so special about those?
When are FS absolutely convergent?
Recall basic terms of linear algebra: Jordan normal form, determinants, invertibility, bases, SVD, Vandermonde matrix/determinant, symmetric matrices, positive (semi-)definite matrices.
What’s the square-root of operators? Why/when is
Why do the coefficients of Gabor systems always have to be in
This is essential for frame theory! Look at the frame definition.
Why are operators invertible if they are bounded below?
This implies that the kernel of the operator just consists of the zero, which implies injectivity and therefore invertibility on the image.
What’s the difference between
and the dual ?
are the bounded continuous functions on , whereas denotes the bounded linear functionals on , where linearity also implies continuity.
What’s the difference between
and when talking about direct sums?
What does
being “totally bounded” mean?
Some kind of .
What’s a linear manifold?
What’s a Hamel basis? Why is a Hamel basis for an infinitely-dimensional Hilbert space uncountable?
What’s a homeomorphism?
What’s the connection between the FT of an
and the FS of ?
? To what extent is it “half way between and ”? Why is it a limit of polynomials in in the strong operator topology?
What’s the connection between dual frames and dual lattices?
What are Besov spaces?
What’s weak*-convergence and what’s so special about that?
What is weak*-continuity?
What are trace-class operators?
What are Hilbert-Schmidt operators?
What are Sech and Hermite functions/windows?
What are B-splines? What are the orders of B-plines?
What are Wilson bases and what are they good for?
What is the Frobenius norm of a matrix, and what’s its use?
What’s the redundancy of a frame and why is it important?
What are Segal algebras?
What is the canonical tight window?
It seems that this is that dual window such that the Gabor frame using the same lattice is tight. But why is it unique?
Why is the FT of the canonical dual of a “too wide” Gaussian window equal to the canonical dual of a “too narrow” Gaussian?
Why should one want to have the dual frame tight?
Maybe 5.7 in Christensen tells more, and 9.3.2, 9.3.4 and 9.5. You don’t have to compute the inverse of the frame operator.
Why is
a Banach algebra?
Where does the factor
in some definitions of the FT come from and why does it disappear when using instead of ?
Why are the isomorphisms
of 1) only available/usable for Hilbert spaces?
Logbook of Stephan Paukner on : The exponential in $R^d$
Logbook of Stephan Paukner on : Raising questions, 63-65
Logbook of Stephan Paukner on : The exponential in $R^d$, II
Logbook of Stephan Paukner on : Raising questions, 66-69
Logbook of Stephan Paukner on : Convolutions
Logbook of Stephan Paukner on : Square-roots of operators