Entries tagged asSaturday, March 17. 2012Status quo of my web usage, II![]() Changes during the recent months:
Thursday, May 19. 2011Status quo of my web/net usage![]()
Posted by Stephan Paukner
in Information Technology
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Defined tags for this entry: social web, www
Monday, November 1. 2010How I'd like to use Twitter![]() (The following is a kind of current-state analysis, maybe leading to my long intended anti-WWW rant. Honestly, I think Twitter is a broken technology. 140 characters are way too few to provide useful context. And as URLs eat from this character pool, the urge for link shorteners simply leaves this service behind broken, IMHO. Just look at this plot of the distribution of tweet lenghts: Well, some misuse Twitter as a chat, although IRC would be the technology of choice for that. I mainly use it as a news stream. In fact, Twitter changed their orientation from individual “Took a dump, ate a banana” status updates to personalized news. Although RSS or Atom are dedicated technology for collecting headlines and articles (and keeping their read/unread state), Twitter provides a unified time flow (that passes by, no matter if you read it or not). And while RSS/Atom is a kind of pull technology (i.e. you have to look at different feeds and articles for yourself), Twitter is a push variant where all elements meld into a single data stream. The problem is, in engineering terms, there’s so much noise in the data; there’s so much irrelevancy occurring in the timeline, at least in mine. I followed more and more people, like “Hey, this guy developped that app, and there’s a link to his Twitter”, or I chose to follow various companies when I noticed they had an account at Twitter. But more and more often I asked myself where a certain guy/gal I followed actually came from. I’m wasting too much time at Twitter. Meanwhile, I’m following more than 250 people. (Yeah, I think those who follow >300 are simply nuts. How the hell do they handle their timeline? How can they claim Twitter is not a distraction?) Me wants:
Of course, a lot of this already sounds like RSS. But there are tweets that are status updates per se and don’t contain URLs. It appears to me that Twitter and RSS (and maybe the whole social *BUZZWORD ALERT* media) are becoming “the HTTP of a new WWW”: It’s up to new and upcoming user interfaces to aggregate, weight, filter, sort and manage content coming from various data streams; new user interfaces for new devices, but also for the “old scholars”. I noticed recently that things are becoming better for me when using different Twitter—or rather, aggregator—clients, like TweetDeck or My6Sense. It’s becoming important for me to not just scream or hear screams, but to consume and provide relevant information.
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