Friday, November 10. 2006A reading approach to time-frequency analysis![]() Here I give my personal reading approach to get familiar with the topics which the NuHAG is working on. This is just one way to get started, and I will mention some pros and cons I noticed. There is always some redundancy, but in my eyes that was of great worth. A good way to get some first impressions is to read A Short Introduction to Gabor Analysis by Thomas Strohmer, which is the introductory chapter of [Feichtinger/Strohmer] and is also available online. You could also read the introductory chapters of [Blatter], which will make clear what the central ideas are in general. After having read that, you also want to understand it all.
0) Functional Analysis [Werner]
1a) Foundations of Time-Frequency Analysis [Gröchenig] At least for the start, you can read this book independently from the next two I mention. Of course you’ll notice similarities to the Gabor frame chapters in [Christensen]. Reaching chapter 9 in [Gröchenig], I admit to have only read 9.1 and skipped representation theory. Also, the generalization to pseudodifferential operators might not be of such interest.
1b) Wavelets [Blatter]
2) Frames and Riesz Bases [Christensen] The connection to TF-analysis raises when Gabor frames are examined. You will also step over these in [Gröchenig]. You might want to leave out the Wavelet chapters here, as [Blatter] already showed you enough if you’re just interested in Gabor analysis. Again, the representations of locally compact groups might not be of that interest.
3) Gabor Analysis [Feichtinger/Strohmer] Besides those books, there are some further sources like papers and theses which themselves give hints to more sources, discussing further topics like Banach Gelfand triples, Wiener amalgam spaces, and more. At this point, you have already finished starting and are now already progressing, where I don’t think I have to guide you further.
Posted by Stephan Paukner
in Master's Thesis
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