You will love this one! This recipe for ‘Schinkenfleckerl’ (noodle casserole with ham and sour cream, scalloped with cheese) can also be used to create a variation of Spaghetti Carbonara.
You need (for 4 dishes):
2 jugs of sour cream (i.e. 500ml)
1-2 egg yolks
1 portion of herbal mixture (I always take the frozen ones)
1-2 tablespoonfuls of (possibly herbal) salt
2-5 cloves of garlic (Take five
1 onion
20-25dag of ham
250g of noodles (either for a casserole or spaghetti)
250g of grated cheese (for scallopping the casserole)
1 pan, 1 large pot, 1 large bowl, 1 casserole (if you do it the Schinkenfleckerl way).