Thursday, September 15. 2005'Schinkenfleckerl' alias Spaghetti Carbonara![]() You will love this one! This recipe for ‘Schinkenfleckerl’ (noodle casserole with ham and sour cream, scalloped with cheese) can also be used to create a variation of Spaghetti Carbonara. You need (for 4 dishes):
The “big art” is to do three things at the same time without scorching the onion and ham or making the noodles too weak. For Schinkenfleckerl, lubricate a casserole dish with grease.
Cut the ham into pieces. Hackle the onion and roast it in some oil. Set up salty water for the noodles. While you watch it all, put sour cream, egg yolks, herbs and salt into a large(!) bowl and press the garlic over it. For the Schinkenfleckerl variant, add some of the grated cheese to make the mass more sticky. Mix and dare a taste—yummy yummy! You should preheat the stove at 220°C for the casserole.
When onion is roasted, add the ham and continue roasting. When water boils, add the noodles. (It’s that simple. When ham and onion are nearly done, mix oregano under it. Then put it all into the bowl. Mix and dare a taste—woohoo! Finally, strain the water from the noodles and mix it all in the bowl. (Did I say you should use a large bowl?) For the spaghetti, you may also mix it in the large pot—if so, you’re done at this point. Otherwise, put the mass into the casserole and sprinkle the grated cheese over it, add some parmesan if you wish. Put the casserole into the stove for about 45 minutes. Finally, serve and enjoy with green salad.
Posted by Stephan Paukner
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