Entries tagged as diyThursday, February 25. 2010Droid and iPhone dislike cheap USB chargers unless...![]() ... you have an electronic hacker in your neighborhood. I bought the cheap Chinese solar USB charger revolt “4 Seasons” and wanted to use it to charge my Motorola Milestone/Droid or other devices while travelling by train or bike or during a hike. Unfortunately, it only provided power to “dumb” devices like not-so-smart phones or USB On-The-Go hard disks. When I connected it to my Milestone, the phone didn’t jump to the charging state. WTF? It turned out that modern smartphones like Milestone/Droid or iPhone rely on a properly implemented USB standard, what means that it’s not enough that the two outermost USB pins carry the needed voltage, but the inner pins must also provide a minimal “data voltage”. The problem is described here, and here is a DIY solution. Thanks go to my work mate Wolfi for hacking the solar charger successfully.
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