Wednesday, February 22. 2006Beobachtungen in der Großstadt![]() Gestern ging vor mir ein etwas verwahrloster Mann mit langsamen Schritten, in einer Hand einen Blumenstrauß. Als ihm eine Frau begegnete, hob er den Strauß an und hielt ihn ihr entgegen. Sie reagierte panisch und schrie mit einem Akzent: “Isch kenne disch nüscht, du bist aus Steinhof!”, flüchtete quer über den Gehsteig, schwirrte herum wie eine Biene, die die Orientierung verloren hatte, und wiederholte den Satz noch einmal. Eigentlich ist sowas ja nicht ungewöhnlich in einer Großstadt (Wo viele Leute sind, sind auch viele verrückte Leute), aber für mich als gebürtigen Waldviertler, wo noch Hexen, Zauberer und Gnome (ich bin einer davon) in den Wäldern hausen, umso verwunderlicher.
Posted by Stephan Paukner
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Tuesday, February 21. 2006Amis verbannen wieder mal Darwin![]()
Die Amis haben EIN RAD AB!!
US-Forscher protestieren gegen Anti-Darwin-Gesetze Der weltgrößte Verband von Wissenschaftlern AAAS hat auf seiner Jahreskonferenz Gesetzesvorlagen gegen die Verbreitung der Evolutionslehre in mehreren Bundesstaaten der USA angeprangert. Intelligent Design soll unterrichtet werden In einigen Gesetzestexten würden Lehrer und Schüler aufgefordert, das alternative Konzept des christlich geprägten “intelligenten Designs” zu untersuchen. Andere Gesetzesvorlagen verpflichteten Lehrer, auf angebliche Ungereimtheiten in der Evolutionstheorie und Einwände in der Forschergemeinde hinzuweisen. Die gebe es nicht, protestiert der AAAS. “Es gibt unter Wissenschaftlern keine größere Kontroverse über die Gültigkeit der Evolutionstheorie.”Amis, go home!
Posted by Stephan Paukner
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Wednesday, February 15. 2006Generating passwords in Lotus Notes![]()
_Weed := @Text(@Today) + “ ” + @Text(@Time(@Now));
_Cannabis := @HashPassword(_Weed); _Tobacco := @LowerCase(_Cannabis); _Hand := @ReplaceSubstring(_Tobacco; “(”:“)”:“/”:“+”:“o”:“l”; “”); _Side := 7; _Pass_The_Cutchie_On_The := @Left(_Hand; _Side);
Posted by Stephan Paukner
in Information Technology
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Tuesday, February 7. 2006Where worlds clash![]() I was once at a McDonald’s restaurant (as far as they can be called like that). While eating my burger, I watched two muslim women at another table. One of them was completely wrapped into black clothes, including her hands. All that could be seen of her skin was a small area around her eyes. She wore a kind of veil over her head, which also covered her neck and parts of her shoulder. The thing I had to watch then was incredibly weird: She took her burger with one of her gloved hands, lifted the veil a bit, and moved the burger under the veil to her mouth to make a bite! After that she moved the burger out again and kept it in hold while munching. The same procedure went for taking a mouthful of coke. Now, this was what I call a complete contradiction. Monday, February 6. 2006Understanding the Fourier transform![]() ![]() Wednesday, February 1. 2006d-dimensional Fourier transform![]()
I know what the factor
means, if that factor is seen as a function in
But what if
Now, what has to be understood by Continue reading "d-dimensional Fourier transform"
Posted by Stephan Paukner
in Master's Thesis
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Tuesday, January 31. 2006Measure theory as second exam topic![]()
I have recalled some basics about measure and integration theory, and this lead me to the idea to take this as the second topic for my master exam. Master exams at the University of Vienna consist of two parts, the first one is about your thesis, and the second one covers a subject which shouldn’t be related to the first part. My first idea had been to take linear algebra with H. Rindler as examiner, who is the dean of the faculty of mathematics. But now I think about deciding for measure and integration theory, the exam of which I had taken at K. Sigmund. The relation to functional analysis is given by measurability, Lebesgue-integrability and the
Monday, January 23. 2006Computer games - What an utter waste of time!![]() Finally, here is my little rant against computer games. You expect computer freaks to be gamers? You’re so wrong. Actually, there are two groups of computer geeks who don’t communicate with each other: The programmers and the gamers; Well, to be honest, the only intersection are game programmers, but they’re time-wasters in my eyes, too. I can’t understand why the gamers of all people assess themselves as being qualified for an IT-oriented education, just because they sit in front of a screen all day long and play different kinds of... games. Their only real practise in handling a PC is to open and close a CD-ROM drive, get illegal copies of commercial games from peer-to-peer networks and download cracks for these from the web. Continue reading "Computer games - What an utter waste of time!"
Posted by Stephan Paukner
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