Monday, January 16. 2006Time plan for phase one![]() I got the Christensen-book on Friday. The 3 new books I own now cost the hell of €241.59! Well, others buy a plasma TV, I buy mathematical literature.
In April I want to start doing Gabor analysis, and finally the topic of my thesis should be fixed in May. Tuesday, January 10. 2006A roadmap![]() Today I went to HGFei to receive three books: Gröchenig’s “Foundations” and HGFei/Strohmer’s “Gabor Analysis” and “Advances”; the first two are now my property, the third one is just a lend. I also ordered a copy of Christensen’s “Introduction”. I want to buy these books because of their high quality and their good aptitude as introductory literature, and I like to write down notes *into* books, which isn’t quite possible for borrowed copies.
We had a short talk about further proceedings. My task now is to read a lot. In two or three months I should have a good enough overview about the topic to be able to say what direction is most interesting for me. As final target, Christmas 2006 should be a reasonable date for the master exam. One part of my thesis could be to do some “quality assurance” and documentation of the NuHAG Matlab toolbox. Also, I think I should create a port for Octave. Sunday, January 8. 2006LaTeX and reading![]() I bought the MathTimeProfessional fonts for LaTeX from PCTeX, Inc. and plan to combine it with Monotype Baskerville for the actual print of my thesis.
I’m still finishing to read the introduction chapter of HGFei’s book, after which I want to get myself familiar with some basics of Functional Analysis again, such as properties of Friday, December 16. 2005Changes between development and public directory![]()
I do testing in web development in that way, that the public website is stored in the public_html subdirectory, and the test site is located in develop_html. To see whether there are differences between those two sites, I use the following aliases:
alias changes=’dir=$(pwd|sed -e s:develop:public:); echo diff with $(echo $dir|sed -e s:$HOME:\~:); for file in $(for rcsfile in RCS/.??* RCS/*; do echo $rcsfile|cut -d, -f1; done); do echo “>>> $(basename $file):”; colordiff --no-banner $(basename $file) $dir; done’
That way only files I manage with RCS are checked, and I can do that call from any subdirectory of develop_html.
Posted by Stephan Paukner
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Thursday, December 15. 2005Part 2 finished with "outstanding success"![]() Today I went to Prof. Baxa and showed him my exam reports. Although there were some “Gut” (“good”, i.e. B’s) among them, I cleverly combined them with some “Sehr gut” (“very good”, i.e. A’s) to get an average of “Sehr gut” in most cases. Topology will be my only “Gut” in the master exam report. But that’s OK, as I can’t call myself a very good mathematician. Anyway, all in all I have finished the second part of my study with “Ausgezeichneter Erfolg” (“outstanding success”). All that’s missing now is a master thesis and the master exam. Tuesday, December 13. 2005Literature![]()
Also, I finally collected all exam reports and will hand them out to Prof. Baxa, together with the exam pass. The meeting with Thomas K. is still up to come, but I want to wait until I really understand what we’ll be talking about. Thursday, December 1. 2005DVD-RAM for backup![]() I got myself a “Super Multi DVD ReWriter”, namely the LG Electronics GSA-2166D, an external DVD burner using a USB 2.0 interface. I plugged it in and could use it immediately with GNU/Linux thanks to udev and the kernel modules scsi_mod, sr_mod (for SCSI CD-ROM drives) and usb_storage. I want to use DVD-RAM as backup media, and it really works like a charm: I could create an ext2 filesystem on it by simply issuing the command
CODE: # mke2fs /dev/dvdrw
after which I could mount it and use it like a harddisk. The only drawback is when a large amount of data is written, the kernel is still busily writing data for up to 15(!) minutes after the copy process has finished in the user space! Be careful when using such media with autofs. I experienced that when I simply began to copy data to /misc/dvdram without explicitly mounting the media before, autofs reaches its timeout during the transfer, which leads to a currupt filesystem. The manually executed e2fsck failed, all files went into lost+found! Tuesday, November 15. 2005When screen segfaults![]()
# screen -r
Suddenly the Dungeon collapses!! - You die... # # strings $(which screen) | egrep [Yy]ou getpwuid() can’t identify your account! Cannot open your terminal ‘%s’ - please check. You are not the owner of %s. Unfortunatelly you are not its owner. You feel dead inside. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program (see the file COPYING); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. You can’t run screen on a hardcopy terminal. You can’t run screen on a terminal that overstrikes. Suddenly the Dungeon collapses!! - You die... Really quit and kill all your windows [y/n] Your termcap does not specify how to change the terminal’s width to %d. Your termcap does not specify how to change the terminal’s height to %d. Your termcap does not specify how to change the terminal’s resolution to %dx%d. Sorry, too late now. Place that in your .screenrc file. You are %s logging. ’%s’ tries to touch your session, but fails. The dead screen%s touch%s you. Try ‘screen -wipe’. You hear %d distant explosion%s. You may wish for a screen, what do you want? You see here a good looking screen: Your inventory: You regain consciousness. You must play from a terminal. The Keystone Kops are after you! getpwuid() can’t identify your account! KAABLAMM!!! You triggered a land mine! [ Passwords don’t match - your armor crumbles away ] The blast of disintegration whizzes by you! You add to your scroll of logging named “%s”. You start writing on your scroll of logging named “%s”. You don’t seem to have a scroll of logging named “%s”. You put away your scroll of logging named “%s”. You cannot escape from window %d! You no longer sense the watcher’s silence. You feel like someone is waiting for %d sec. silence... Your bell is no longer invisible. Suddenly you can’t see your bell! You no longer sense the watcher’s presence. You feel like someone is watching you... You destroy poor window %d (%s). You have a sad feeling for a moment... You escaped the dungeon. You drop a magic marker - Column %d Line %d You choke on your food: %d bytes from %s #
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