Wednesday, November 2. 2005Hardware sucks!![]() Since I stuck two more PCI cards into my PC, stability problems aroused with my TV card: When the system load raised while watching TV in fullscreen, the system froze randomly. In addition, after resetting my PC, the 150GB Software-RAID-5 array had to resynchronize itself. As I restarted the TV app while the sync was running, the system froze a second time. Resetting again, two of the three RAID-5 partitions had been marked as failed, such that the automatic reassembling at boot time failed - I couldn’t even do the assembling by hand! My whole data was lost!! Continue reading "Hardware sucks!" Tuesday, October 18. 2005Sushi, sushi, sushi, maki, maki![]()
I’m addicted. Right now I feel that urge again to eat sushi, sushi, sushi, maki, maki! Lots of sushi, soaked with soy sauce and wasabi.
Tune your filesystem![]() Taken from the Gentoo Weekly Newsletter, 17 October 2005: ext2/3 are the main filesystems for a large amount of users but what a lot of people don’t know is that you can get almost Reiser4 speed out of it without any of the instability they’d associated with Reiser4. One of the great features of ext2/3 is the ability to tune it by adjusting various parameters. Let’s take some precautions, first of all by finding out if some of those parameter are already enabled, by running
CODE: # tune2fs -l /dev/hdXX
(replacing XX with your drive and partition your ext2/3 filesystem resides in). If you don’t see tune2fs in the list then we can enable it, and just in case you do see ‘dir_index’ in ‘Filesystem features’ then you have either enabled it already or it was automatically enabled for you. You are going to need a Gentoo LiveCD because changing parameters on mounted filesystems can cause problems, so in the interest of safety we are booting off the CD. At the start phase the Gentoo install system is booted into what’s called a “ramdisk” which is where the files needed are put into RAM to be used. mke2fs, tune2fs and other parts of the e2fsprogs package will be present at this stage. Now let’s turn on the feature with
CODE: # tune2fs -O dir_index /dev/hdXX
Do a filesystem check with
CODE: # e2fsck -D /dev/hdXX
Do that on any ext2 or ext3 partition and then reboot. You should notice the difference straight away. Thursday, October 13. 2005Promise not support the funWednesday, October 12. 2005From RAID-1 to RAID-5 on the fly![]() It was more complicated than I thought, but it finally was and therefore is possible to move a system from (Software-)RAID-1 using 2 disks to (Software-)RAID-5 using 3 disks without the help of an additional disk during transfer. Some things I had to keep in mind:
After that I could do the usual mounting, rsync’ing and dual booting, praying that no disk fails right in that “degraded array phase”. As everything seemed to work, I repartitioned hda and raidhotadd’ed it to the running system. The sync for the 147GB array took about 90 minutes. Thursday, September 29. 2005"Intelligentes Design" vor US-Gericht![]()
Der Streit in den USA über die Evolutionstheorie beschäftigt zur Zeit ein Gericht in Pennsylvania. Acht Familien haben die Schulbehörde wegen der gängigen Unterrichtspraxis geklagt. Der Grund: Ihren Kindern wird vor der Vermittlung der Darwinschen Evolutionstheorie erklärt, dass eine höhere Macht das Leben auf der Erde geschaffen habe. Die Eltern sehen darin einen Verstoß der Trennung von Kirche und Staat.Endlich traut sich da doch noch jemand etwas dagegen sagen. Ich dachte schon alle Amis sind so borniert. Monday, September 19. 2005Hardware upgrade![]() As my current workstation only supports ‘slow’ PCI, there wouldn’t have been much sense in buying SATA-disks. Therefore, I have ordered a third hard disk of the given type. This will enable me to create 3x 78GB partitions which will result in a 156GB logical volume running on (SW-)RAID-5. On this I want to create a 120GB /home partition - this will be more than twice as much as I have today. In addition, another 512MB of RAM and a USB-2.0/FireWire PCI card are coming soon. For the server I bought two simple 20GB ATA disks, to be put on (SW-)RAID-1. This will carry the /home partition. As devil wished, one of the two SCSI-disks carrying the system crashed while building the two ATA disks in. So everything delays until the spare SCSI disk I ordered replaces the broken one. Thursday, September 15. 2005'Schinkenfleckerl' alias Spaghetti Carbonara![]() You will love this one! This recipe for ‘Schinkenfleckerl’ (noodle casserole with ham and sour cream, scalloped with cheese) can also be used to create a variation of Spaghetti Carbonara. You need (for 4 dishes):
Continue reading "'Schinkenfleckerl' alias Spaghetti Carbonara"
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