Sunday, December 17. 2006Hautamaeki?![]()
Hautamaeki? Oder haut a net? Thursday, December 14. 2006Linux 5ucks on the desktop!![]()
I’m using Linux for some years now. It provides a very robust server operating system. With Linux you have high performance file systems, intelligent process handling, transparent configuration and very stable server software. You can have Linux for free, its software is open-source, thousands of programmers care for quality assurance. It really works.
But some think that Linux could replace Microsoft Windows on the PC. Windows is a great gaming platform, and some admins even go that far and use it on their servers! Similarly, some Linux enthusiasts placed Linux onto their PC or notebook. They believe, the time is now ripe for a desktop revolution. I also tried it, but, in my eyes, Linux is not usable on the desktop for ordinary people as long as:
Linux enthusiasts are pretty cool. They are hackers. Lots of textlines scroll over their X-desktop, just like in The Matrix. They encrypt their e-mails. If you want to be as cool, become it on your own. If you ask one of them to help you with your problem with Linux, they are unpolite and correct your misspellings. Linux freaks are assholes. I am one of them.
Posted by Stephan Paukner
in GNU/Linux
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Thursday, December 7. 2006Tätigkeitsbereiche![]()
Um einmal niederzuschreiben, was ich bei der SOL4-IT alles so gemacht habe, habe ich mir eine Liste meiner Tätigkeiten erstellt. Das wäre ein Grundgerüst für die nächste Bewerbung. Um nicht zu viel zu verraten, habe ich hier die jeweiligen Kundennamen nur abgekürzt.
Beschäftigungszeitraum: 10.07.2003 - 31.01.2007. Alle Aufgabenbereiche wurden in direktem Kontakt mit dem jew. Kunden abgewickelt. Lotus-Notes-Development
Tuesday, December 5. 2006Gleam of hope![]()
I stop working at SOL4-IT at the end of January 2007. From that time on I can work 100% on my Master thesis! But I don’t have to live from my savings: I’ll apply for a final degree scholarship (Studienabschluss-Stipendium). For 6 months I will (or could) be promoted with €1000 every month, with an additional (unpaid) timeframe of 6 months until I’d have to pay the amount back if I hadn’t finished by that time. I’ll not be allowed to hold any job during that phase. That gives me everything I need for a scientific work.
Sunday, November 26. 2006jpg document vs. JPEG image![]()
Linux sucks on the desktop. I’ll write a rant on this soon.
In Nautilus, suddenly, one day, after a general (apt-get) upgrade, there were no more thumbnails generated for new JPEG images. When I clicked one of the icons, instead of opening the image in the viewer ‘eog’, a message raised, saying The filename “IMG_1234.JPG” indicates that this file is of type “jpg document”. The contents of the file indicate that the file is of type “JPEG image”. If you open this file, the file might present a security risk to your system.followed by the usual security-blah-blah. I couldn’t examine what the cause was, until I finally stepped over a posting telling that the file ~/.local/share/mime/globs contains an overfluid entry. Remove that entry containing the string ‘jpg’. Saturday, November 18. 2006Convolutions![]()
(Q26) Meanwhile, I know that a convolution of one function First I convolved a square with a small Gaussian—this is nothing less than a Gaussian blur:
Note that the blur would already occur even if the second object were solid! Look at the square convolved with itself:
Then I watched how these bars convolve with each other:
Notice how the blurness shrinks when the two objects can’t overlap much.
Posted by Stephan Paukner
in Master's Thesis
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Raising questions, 66-69![]()
Posted by Stephan Paukner
in Master's Thesis
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Wednesday, November 15. 2006The exponential in $R^d$, II![]()
(Q15) I’m gonna show you some cool Gabor atoms on
[xx yy] = meshgrid(linspace(-2,2,100));
v=[1 1.5];
e1 = exp(pi*i*( v(1)*xx + v(2)*yy ));
w=[-1 4];
e2 = exp(pi*i*( w(1)*xx + w(2)*yy ));
![]() ![]()
See how the value of the frequency changes with the length of
g1 = exp(-(xx.^2+yy.^2));
g2 = exp(-4*(xx.^2+yy.^2));
![]() ![]()
And now these are the modulated Gaussians, whose set of translates across
![]() ![]()
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