Wednesday, August 1. 2007Continuation and time plan![]() I already got a little time panic, as I noticed that I wouldn’t make it within September. I’ll need the whole month of September, too. A problem is that Doris wanted to go on a two-week holiday. As she has to take a course anyway, we delayed it to the beginning of October. After that I only want to have to do cosmetic stuff, and no content anymore. I want to have it printed and handed in by the mid of October. And already at the mid or the end of November, there should be the Master exam. I want to be finished by my 30th birthday. This. Must. Work. I can’t afford needing more time, as January 2008 is the last possibility, otherwise I’d have to pay €6,000 back. On the content: I looked at multi-window Gabor frames, and But multi-window systems shall appear rather late in my thesis. First there are a lot more other things to mention. I made a rough table of contents, giving me a good lead:
Chapters 3 and 4 should be possible within August, and the rest will be in September. It is currently completely open if there really will be some “real world” applications of GA to image processing, like serious deblurring, denoising or compression. I’d have to compare it to existing methods, actually. Currently I only plan to compare the various duals and do some thresholding of the Gabor coefficients. If there really will be some multi-window stuff, then maybe only for separable atoms, as I don’t know how I could check the frame quality otherwise.
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