Monday, August 20. 2007Complying with my time plan![]() For the first time it really seems that I can keep my time plan. I try to reach page 32 today, and if I manage to keep writing one page per day, I will reach the half of the average thesis page number this week, and will indeed manage to be finished with the beginning of October. The theses at my institute indeed range over a number of about 70 pages. I met with HGFei on Friday, and he said he can fully support my will to be finished soon. There won’t be a serious research or new results in my thesis (except for how the Gabor transform can be computed more easily for separable 2D atoms), but only a summary and visualization of the known results in the 2D case, where of course will be no surprises. Serious research is reserved for dissertations anyway. He wants the results to be suitable for talks or demos. I proceeded with
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