The Boss RC-2 Loop Station is a compact pedal for recording loop phrases with an electric guitar. The pedal has two bigger brothers: The RC-20XL Phrase Recorder and the spacious RC-50 Loop Station. The RC-2 is ideal for practicing and composing. It has 33 different drum patterns available and can store 11 phrases with a sum of at most 16 minutes. You can tap in the tempo of the drum patterns and even the speed of recorded phrases without changing their pitch! The pedal has an AUX IN to record phrases from an external playback device. This makes it possible to e.g. slow down guitar solos you want to learn. In this case you can use the AUTO recording mode that doesn’t start recording before an audio signal is received. Recordings can be overdubbed arbitrary times, and there’s an undo and redo function for the most recent overdub. Playback can be switched from loop to one-shot, making it possible to trigger recorded samples during a performance.
Boss must have put much brain power into the usability design of that pedal to make it possible for musicians to have a reasonable recording workflow available by just using two knobs, a single button and a single footswitch. I don’t want to go into detail here, but rather show what a typical workflow could look like (without an external footswitch):