I’ve finally done chapter VII of Werner’s book. At the end of that chapter, I didn’t follow the content in detail anymore, as it appeared more and more exotic to me and not too much related to TF-analysis. The two remaining chapters (Locally convex spaces incl. distribution theory, Banach algebras) will be done within one or two months, but without force; it will be enough to go through 2 pages per day.

The main focus now should be time-frequency analysis, repeating basics about Hilbert spaces and Fourier- as well as wavelet-analysis. I’ve already started to read Gröchenig’s Foundations some time ago. Also, I finally bought Blatter’s Wavelet Primer in its German original.
I contaced HGFei and told him about my current status. I asked him whether I should try to fix a topic or if I should continue reading. Also, I told him about my idea of taking measure and integration theory for my master exam. He hasn’t answered yet.