Wednesday, March 22. 2006Progress in functional analysis, II![]()
I noticed that all those foundations in functional analysis are really very important for applications in Fourier analysis and Gabor analysis. Besides the special books, I’ll work through Blatter’s “Wavelets”, because it provides a really good approach to that topic. Also, Heil’s script about bases in Hilbert spaces and a syllabus about Fourier analysis will give a good occasion for repetition. As another milestone, my employer agreed to reduce my working times. I wanted to have reached this with April, but the agreement won’t be valid until May. So, I’ll make my Fridays to free-days for another month. Beginning with May, I’ll only have to work for 28 hours/week, which was my threshold of pain. I hope I still can reduce this amound a bit. If I start working at 8:00h, I want to leave at about 15:00h to be able to sit at my desk at 16:00h. I’ll have to comply with my working hours strictly.
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