Monday, August 20. 2007Complying with my time plan![]() For the first time it really seems that I can keep my time plan. I try to reach page 32 today, and if I manage to keep writing one page per day, I will reach the half of the average thesis page number this week, and will indeed manage to be finished with the beginning of October. The theses at my institute indeed range over a number of about 70 pages. I met with HGFei on Friday, and he said he can fully support my will to be finished soon. There won’t be a serious research or new results in my thesis (except for how the Gabor transform can be computed more easily for separable 2D atoms), but only a summary and visualization of the known results in the 2D case, where of course will be no surprises. Serious research is reserved for dissertations anyway. He wants the results to be suitable for talks or demos. I proceeded with Wednesday, August 1. 2007Continuation and time plan![]() I already got a little time panic, as I noticed that I wouldn’t make it within September. I’ll need the whole month of September, too. A problem is that Doris wanted to go on a two-week holiday. As she has to take a course anyway, we delayed it to the beginning of October. After that I only want to have to do cosmetic stuff, and no content anymore. I want to have it printed and handed in by the mid of October. And already at the mid or the end of November, there should be the Master exam. I want to be finished by my 30th birthday. This. Must. Work. I can’t afford needing more time, as January 2008 is the last possibility, otherwise I’d have to pay €6,000 back. On the content: I looked at multi-window Gabor frames, and But multi-window systems shall appear rather late in my thesis. First there are a lot more other things to mention. I made a rough table of contents, giving me a good lead:
Chapters 3 and 4 should be possible within August, and the rest will be in September. It is currently completely open if there really will be some “real world” applications of GA to image processing, like serious deblurring, denoising or compression. I’d have to compare it to existing methods, actually. Currently I only plan to compare the various duals and do some thresholding of the Gabor coefficients. If there really will be some multi-window stuff, then maybe only for separable atoms, as I don’t know how I could check the frame quality otherwise. Tuesday, July 24. 2007Status July 2007![]() I’ve written Tuesday, June 12. 2007Final time plan![]() In November 2006 I hoped to be able to finish my Master thesis during spring 2007, having in eye that summer starts on June 21st, 2007. However, I was still working in January and focus on my thesis since February 2007. Four or five months are not enough. Now I want to finish the introductory and Frame Theory chapters by the end of June. During July I want to write down the chapter about discrete and 2D Gabor analysis. And during August I want to do the chapter about the Octave/MATLAB experiments. This is my time plan to hand in my thesis in September. The Master exam should be due in November. Why does everything have to take such a long time? Wednesday, May 30. 2007Separable vs. non-separable lattices![]() I used P. Prinz’ toolbox to compute a 2D dual atom on a separable lattice and on a quincunx lattice. It shows that even if both lattices have same redundancy, the dual might be better localized on the quincunx lattice: In this example, the norm difference of the “quincunx dual” to the original is about 0.1, and that between the “separable dual” and the original is almost 1.0. To achieve more similarity on the separable lattice, one has to take a higher redundancy. I’m still not sure what the term “separability” actually expresses for 4D lattices: There exist position lattices (on the image space), frequency lattices (on the FT space), and TF-lattices (for both dimensions). If the atom is separable into its two dimensions, then one can compute the two 1D duals and obtain the 2D dual from their tensor product. If one takes two quincunxes for computing those two 1D duals, does this correspond to a non-separable 4D PF-lattice? In the case of 1D signals, a separable TF-lattice means that there’s always the same set of frequencies taken at every position. A quincunx lattice means that there are two different sets of frequencies chosen alternately while walking along the position points. Maybe the same interpretation works for the 2D case. I haven’t analyzed Prinz’ routine yet, but I think that he takes a rectangular (separable) frequency lattice and shifts it alternately by a half of the lattice-point distance while walking along the position spots. Should one try to use a quincunx position lattice? Well, I’ll have to experminent with that. HGFei asked me to contact Søndergaard, because that topic of non-separability is currently not only “hot” for myself.
Posted by Stephan Paukner
in Master's Thesis
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Friday, May 25. 2007Dilated + rotated 2D Gaussian![]() I’ve finally improved my script that computes a dilated and rotated 2D Gaussian with respect to low memory consumption. It applies a dilation and rotation matrix to the 2D domain. I published it under the GNU GPLv2, so if you find any improvements, you are forced to share them. I still have the impression that it is rather slow, but I currently don’t know how to do it better. Of course, it has to be evaluated on function g=nsgauss(p,q,vdil,hdil,rot) % Computes a non-separable (dilated + rotated) 2D Gaussian % Usage: g = nsgauss(p, q, vdil, hdil, rot); % Input: p,q .... size of g % vdil ... vertical dilation factor (before rotation) % hdil ... horizontal dilation factor (before rotation) % rot .... rotation angle, e.g. pi/4 % Example: % norm(nsgauss(p,q,1,1,0) - gaussnk(p)’*gaussnk(q)) == eps % % Version 0.2-20070525 % by Stephan Paukner {stephan+math at paukner dot cc} % Licensed under the GNU General Public License v2 % $Id: nsgauss.m,v 1.2 2007/05/25 10:14:52 ps Exp ps $ D=[1/vdil 0; 0 1/hdil]; %dilation matrix R=[cos(rot) -sin(rot); sin(rot) cos(rot)]’; %’%rotation matrix sp=sqrt(p); sq=sqrt(q); g=zeros(1,p*q); for jp=-3:3 for jq=-3:3 [x y]=meshgrid( (0:p-1)/sp + jp*sp , (0:q-1)/sq + jq*sq ); v=D*R*[x(:)’; y(:)’]; g=g+exp(-pi*(v(1,:).^2 + v(2,:).^2)); end end g=reshape(g,q,p)’; %’ g=g/norm(g,’fro’);
CODE: > tic; g1=gaussnk(600)’ * gaussnk(800); toc
Elapsed time is 0.100037 seconds.
> tic; g2=nsgauss(600,800,1,1,0); toc
Elapsed time is 19.163170 seconds.
> compnorm(g1,g2);
quotient of norms: norm(x)/norm(y) = 1
difference of normalized versions = 1.344e-16
Monday, May 21. 20072D dual via 1D dual![]() Yesterday I finally wrote a routine which computes a non-separable (dilated and rotated) 2D Gaussian. It takes parameters for horizontal and vertical dilation of the 2D Gaussian which is then rotated by a corresponding parameter. If it is neither dilated nor rotated, it is numerically identical to the pure 2D Gaussian. It has With this I could finally reproduce a graphic from the paper “2D-GA Based on 1D Algorithms”: It shows (1) a non-separable 2D atom with relatively prime height and width, (2) the atom mapped to vector shape, (3) the dual of that vector with regard to some combined time and frequency steps, and (4) the dual vector reshaped to an image. The question remains about how to finally do GA using these two 2D atoms. The only ways I found so far was either building the 1D Gabor system (of the atom shaped as vector) or computing a sampled STFT by that 1D vector; this works because modulations stay modulations. However, in the case of separable 2D atoms, this can be done in another way, as I’ll show in another article. Friday, May 18. 2007Images to vectors: Correct isomorphism![]() I always wondered why it didn’t work to compute the dual Gabor atom by using the image-to-vector methods I explained previously [1,2,3]. Dr. Kaiblinger showed me that the correct way was to use that special isomorphism that walks along the diagonal of the image. Because width and height have to be relatively prime, that path spans the whole image space. And because there are no jumps over pixels, 2D-modulations stay 1D-modulations. This is not yet proved formally, but I can already show first experiments: CODE: > p=64; q=75; idx=linind(p,q); %index vector
> img=zeros(p,q); N=p*q
N = 4800
> img(idx(1:50))=1; imagesc(img); %step 50
> img(idx(1:100))=1; imagesc(img); %step 100
> img(idx(1:1000))=1; imagesc(img); %step 1000
> img(idx(1:4000))=1; imagesc(img); %step 4000
A 2D-frequency is given as a tensor product of two 1D-frequencies with signal lengths p and q, respectively. If their modulation parameters are given as kp and kq, then the corresponding 2D-modulation is given by a 1D-modulation of length N and parameter CODE: > kp=4; frp = exp(2*pi*i*(0:p-1) * kp/p);
> kq=3; frq = exp(2*pi*i*(0:q-1) * kq/q);
> frpq = frp’ * frq; size(frpq)
ans =
64 75
> imagesc(real(frpq)) CODE: > kN = mod(kq*p-kp*q, N)
kN = 4692
> frN = exp(2*pi*i*(0:N-1) * kN/N);
> plot(real(frN(1:1000))) CODE: > frN2=zeros(p,q);
> frN2(idx)=frN;
> compnorm(frpq, frN2)
quotient of norms: norm(x)/norm(y) = 1
difference of normalized versions = 1.478e-12
ans = 1.4780e-12 So those two 2D-frequencies are really identical. The plot of the second one is identical to the first one, so we skip it here. Now we want to see if the 2D-dual of a separable 2D atom obtained by that isomorphism is identical to the tensor product of the two 1D-duals. Continue reading "Images to vectors: Correct isomorphism"
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