Tuesday, May 16. 2006Progressing to Gabor analysis![]()
Monday, May 8. 2006Quality demand![]() I contacted HGFei again and made clear that my original aims have changed: I don’t just want to get my studies finished anymore, I want to deliver a qualitative work. After my studies, I want to work in the area of signal processing; my current job is just an existential assurance. I don’t just want to have an engineering-level approach to my master thesis, it would be a pity in my eyes. He answered that we should talk in July the latest about a long-term proceeding. He didn’t mention a possible topic, so I’ll proceed doing general reading on the subject. I thought about Karin’s master thesis, which wasn’t of such high quality to HGFei as she had expected. She did her master exam and now simply has finished and doesn’t want to get into contact with the surroundings of the university again. I simply find that a pity. She works in insurance mathematics. Tuesday, April 18. 2006Yahoo, 26 hours!![]() This touches my project only at the margin, but my employer agreed to reduce my working hours to 26/week! It was my psychologically motivated target to be able to leave the office at 15:00h if I start working at 8:00h. As I sometimes might begin later and might have to stay a little longer if needed, the leaving time will often get postponed anyway. The change of my employment contract leads to a “restart at zero”, i.e., all unused holidays and accumulated overtime will get paid off, which isn’t such a benefit for me. However, I have reached a milestone. If I really want to stay in my time plan, I’ll have to do 5 pages/day in Blatter as well as in Gröchenig, and this is only possible if I have enough time available. And there is much more literature.
Posted by Stephan Paukner
in Master's Thesis
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Monday, April 17. 2006Time plan until June![]() Until the mid of May, i.e. in one month, I want to have finished reading the Wavelet Primer and the whole functional analysis, including the script of Prof. Cigler. Until the end of May, I want to fix the topic of my thesis. Until the end of June, I want to have finished reading the Foundations of Time-Frequency Analysis; the two weeks of holiday at the beginning of June are already taken into account. After my holidays, i.e. by the mid of June, I definitely want to start on my special topic.
Friday, April 14. 2006Meeting at Karin![]()
Yesterday I was at Karin’s flat to talk about mathematics, master thesis, master exam, and much more. She wants to take the master exam at the beginning of May. We had a little overview about the most important theorems in functional analysis. She gave me a CD containing all her TeX files, some papers and of course her own master thesis, which she had finished recently.
Wednesday, April 12. 2006Starting with time-frequency analysis![]() I’ve finally done chapter VII of Werner’s book. At the end of that chapter, I didn’t follow the content in detail anymore, as it appeared more and more exotic to me and not too much related to TF-analysis. The two remaining chapters (Locally convex spaces incl. distribution theory, Banach algebras) will be done within one or two months, but without force; it will be enough to go through 2 pages per day.
I contaced HGFei and told him about my current status. I asked him whether I should try to fix a topic or if I should continue reading. Also, I told him about my idea of taking measure and integration theory for my master exam. He hasn’t answered yet. Sunday, April 9. 2006Inclusions of $L^p$-spaces![]()
Just a note: We know that the inclusion
Posted by Stephan Paukner
in Master's Thesis
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Wednesday, April 5. 2006Progress in functional analysis, III![]() I will start with spectral decomposition of self-adjoint operators today. It will take me about one week to go through that last chapter of my reading plan of this book, so I won’t be so far behind my original time plan. I think I’ll have to buy Blatter’s Wavelet primer, as I start wanting to write notices into the borrowed copy. It provides an easily readable approach and isn’t that expensive.
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