That mistake is the development of a siloed, distinct big data strategy
strategy for big data is a new facet of their overall enterprise data and analytic strategy
the mess that many multi-channel retailers got themselves into through their entry into e-commerce
retailers launched distinct e-commerce divisions. Some were even separate legal entities. As opposed to viewing e-commerce as a new facet of an overall retail strategy
distinct processes and distinct infrastructure was created
provide a consistent experience for customers across channels
go into a store and grab a product and then find that same product on the retailer’s website. Guess what? They have no way to match those products
separate, non-integrated strategies for big data will likely end up with systems and processes that are very difficult to integrate
integrate big data into the overall infrastructure and current and future analytic processes
chief analytics officer for the data warehouse appliance vendor Teradata
“softer skills.”
“data artist.”
data scientists are those that are able to understand the business problem; they’re able to apply creativity and present the results well
intuition, which is hard to teach
five core areas I look at
thought process they went through deciding what to do. Someone who’s not creative is going to give me a list of the steps they went through one-by-one more from a technical perspective
Business savvy
what I want to hear is not just some technical reasons
Knowing how much information to give to the non-technical people
specific presentation as part of the interview process