Thursday, November 29. 2007Master's thesis graded an A![]()
HGFei graded my Master’s thesis with an A (“Sehr gut”, i.e. excellent). (Rumor has it that this doesn’t happen too often.) I thus officially make my Foundations of Gabor Analysis for Image Processing available in the web. The PDF contains hyperlinks, what resulted in a few imperfect pagebreaks, unfortunately. Due to a small supplement before the print the pure content raised to By the way, a professionally printed and bound version of one’s thesis looks so good and so much different from one’s own test prints! The cover of mine is held in claret leather with a golden imprint of my name. The work took Janetschek more than one week, but the result was worth it. I got six pieces for €32 each. Tuesday, November 13. 2007The Master thesis is done!![]() I’m finished! “Foundations of Gabor Analysis for Image Processing” became the final title, 94 pages of pure content, 105 pages including abstract and appendix, and 121 pages all in all. Currently I’m waiting for the print shop to deliver a bid. Maybe I can hand it in for appraisal during the next week. I won’t publish it in the web before it is appraised. I can now start preparing for the Master exam. Don’t expect to hear much from me during the next weeks. Tuesday, November 6. 2007Go-ahead for print![]()
Today HGFei gave me the go-ahead for having my thesis printed as-is! But I still need some days to really accomplish it. The Master exam is to be held before the WFD. The secondary module will indeed be measure theory at Sigmund.
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