Tuesday, July 24. 2007Debian, xserver-xorg-core and libglx.so![]() I wanted to do a regular upgrade of xserver-xorg-core in Debian ‘testing’. Unfortunately, dpkg complained about a file ./usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so not being present, although Nvidia’s installer had placed it right there and it was still present. Because of that broken upgrade my X server couldn’t start anymore. Removal of Nvidia or xorg didn’t change anything on this situation. With Google I saw that someone found a solution by installing nvidia-glx-legacy temporarily. Here’s what to do:
Recently, I had another issue with the Nvidia installer: It didn’t work anymore due to the activated paravirtualization feature in Debian’s default kernel what conflicts with the GPL-incompatible module nvidia.ko. Here’s a solution I found in the web:
Posted by Stephan Paukner
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Wednesday, July 18. 2007Current anti-spam measures![]() For the sake of documentation, I list the enhancements I configured for SpamAssassin since February:
Recently, PDF spam has become “popular”. Therefore I enabled some more things to accomplish this:
Sure, as soon as we catch enough of that new PDF spam, spammers might change to some other document file format, such as DOC or RTF or even ODF, and we are forced to scan those attached documents for spam text or even for contained images that contain spam text, what we are already considering with FuzzyOCR. There must be some better way, actually. However, I had to reduce the score of the Botnet plugin, as the default value of The fight continues.
Posted by Stephan Paukner
in GNU/Linux
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