Wednesday, September 27. 2006Using DVD-RAM on Linux![]() I had so many problems using DVD-RAM on Linux. I formatted them as ext2 and mounted the device /dev/sr0 directly, and wondered why there were so many SCSI-errors. I retried formatting as UDF, but this wasn’t better either. With UDF, the writing process didn’t even finish overnight! I finally found out what the problem was: I should have used Packet Writing. With this, and together with UDF and certain mount options, it finally worked, thanks to a (German) Linux DVD-RAM HOWTO. In short: Load the pktcdvd kernel module (or compile support into your kernel). Then issue the pktsetup command as told in the HOWTO (or have a corresponding init-script do it). Format (or keep, if you just bought it) your DVD-RAM as UDF; the UDF revision is only important if you want to share the disk with old operating systems (such as Win2k). Then mount your disk using the options rw,noatime,async,users. I had to switch from kernel 2.6.15 to 2.6.17, as otherwise I got a pktcdvd: Wrong disc profile (0)error in the syslog. With 2.6.15, it only worked mounting read-only, and remounting (-o remount,rw) as read-write. First steps in the current term![]() HGFei did some talks on Wiener Amalgam spaces and Banach Gelfand triples as well as introductions into their MATLAB toolboxes in the course of the so-called September ‘06 introduction, where some guests and participants of the EUCETIFA and Initiativkolleg were taking part. In addition, he sent me some first material about Gabor Analysis for image processing. Maybe this week or next I’ll visit Martin P. and ask him to get me a local computing account.
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