Thursday, December 15. 2005Part 2 finished with "outstanding success"![]() Today I went to Prof. Baxa and showed him my exam reports. Although there were some “Gut” (“good”, i.e. B’s) among them, I cleverly combined them with some “Sehr gut” (“very good”, i.e. A’s) to get an average of “Sehr gut” in most cases. Topology will be my only “Gut” in the master exam report. But that’s OK, as I can’t call myself a very good mathematician. Anyway, all in all I have finished the second part of my study with “Ausgezeichneter Erfolg” (“outstanding success”). All that’s missing now is a master thesis and the master exam. Tuesday, December 13. 2005Literature![]()
Also, I finally collected all exam reports and will hand them out to Prof. Baxa, together with the exam pass. The meeting with Thomas K. is still up to come, but I want to wait until I really understand what we’ll be talking about.
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