Monday, September 19. 2005Hardware upgrade![]() As my current workstation only supports ‘slow’ PCI, there wouldn’t have been much sense in buying SATA-disks. Therefore, I have ordered a third hard disk of the given type. This will enable me to create 3x 78GB partitions which will result in a 156GB logical volume running on (SW-)RAID-5. On this I want to create a 120GB /home partition - this will be more than twice as much as I have today. In addition, another 512MB of RAM and a USB-2.0/FireWire PCI card are coming soon. For the server I bought two simple 20GB ATA disks, to be put on (SW-)RAID-1. This will carry the /home partition. As devil wished, one of the two SCSI-disks carrying the system crashed while building the two ATA disks in. So everything delays until the spare SCSI disk I ordered replaces the broken one. Wednesday, September 14. 2005Flush deferred messages in sendmail queue![]() Whenever sendmail has to deliver mails to other hosts which cannot be reached at that time, the messages are kept in the queue and are marked as “Deferred: Connection timed out”. Although the other hosts could be reached again and you want to tell sendmail to flush the mail queue, the command sendmail -q -v does not really try to reconnect to these hosts and still assumes that the connection timed out. The reason is that the hoststatus is cached, per default for a period of 30 minutes. Using sendmail -OTimeout.hoststatus=0m -q -v you can re-run the mail queue and force sendmail to reconnect to the hosts. You may want to define an alias for that, say, ‘sendmail-flush-timeouts’. You can set further options in /etc/
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