I’m planning to move my hosted domains to a virtual root-server. As more and more people are more and more relying on more and more services, I have to move the hardware-responsibility away from me. I don’t want to care anymore for breaking harddisks, aging CPUs or dying modems. I don’t want to care about network connection or power supply. I don’t want to hear my phone ringing because of such failures. I have better things to do than rushing out for new (old) hardware. I just want to care for the software. I’m interested in SPAM, not RAM.
Therefore I’ll finally move my server out of my house, maybe even out of my country. These are the possible candidates, in order of highest probability, all at a cost of about €15/month: HostEurope.de’s 15,000MB vServer, ARWeb.at’s 7,500MB vServer or Server4You.de’s 7,500MB vServer. As the first one offers a twice as high storage capacity than the others, it might be the one of choice. It even includes service monitoring. I want to set it up during January and migrate the services in February.