Entries tagged as phoneRelated tags android austria fail german gnu-linux google hardware public transport review samsung finance fun internet language machine learning bluetooth debian google earth kernel migration postfix programming diy electronics cw making anti-spam career gentoo antenna automobile ballooning education event comic photography software time lapse video flickr rant social webThursday, February 25. 2010Droid and iPhone dislike cheap USB chargers unless...![]() ... you have an electronic hacker in your neighborhood. I bought the cheap Chinese solar USB charger revolt “4 Seasons” and wanted to use it to charge my Motorola Milestone/Droid or other devices while travelling by train or bike or during a hike. Unfortunately, it only provided power to “dumb” devices like not-so-smart phones or USB On-The-Go hard disks. When I connected it to my Milestone, the phone didn’t jump to the charging state. WTF? It turned out that modern smartphones like Milestone/Droid or iPhone rely on a properly implemented USB standard, what means that it’s not enough that the two outermost USB pins carry the needed voltage, but the inner pins must also provide a minimal “data voltage”. The problem is described here, and here is a DIY solution. Thanks go to my work mate Wolfi for hacking the solar charger successfully. Tuesday, February 2. 2010Syncing Symbian to Google: SOLVED![]() I found out how to get all my calendar entries into Google: Sync the events into a single iCalendar file using OpenSync’s Sunbird calendar plugin and import this into your Google calendar. In Sunbird I exported an empty calendar into a local iCalendar file and used this as a starting point; a plain empty file was not enough. Unfortunately, there is a known annoying bug preventing entries that are older than one month from getting pushed to your Android smartphone—only noted as a “small” bug by Google, though. You’ll have to re-save those entries in the web calendar to update their modification time and have them synced to your phone. This, however, won’t work by updating their LAST-MODIFIED time stamps in the iCalendar file prior to the import. Friday, January 15. 2010Syncing Symbian to Google hardly possible![]() As I’ll get my Motorola Milestone on Monday (W00t! W00t!) I tried to get my data from my Symbian cell to Google somehow. I made several syncing attempts:
Sigh. Luckily, not much of my data should change within those few days remaining. Sunday, December 20. 2009Android smartphone coming up![]() Or: A review of the Nokia N73The history of my cell phones had its preliminary end in January 2007, almost three years ago, when I got my Nokia N73, a Symbian S60 based device. I was quite satisfied with it, and it was quite robust as well. I could sync contacts, calendar and tasks with Evolution via Bluetooth and SyncML by the help of OpenSync. I regularly used the e-mail client with IMAP/TLS and SMTP/TLS. The built-in browser did its job, despite its bugs. I bought a license for the LCG Jukebox app to be able to play Ogg Vorbis files. The cell’s camera was OK, though not very fast to launch; a quick sneaky snap was almost impossible. Features that I never tried were video calls or Push-To-Talk. After a while I used it more and more extensively for internet access. It was my morning newspaper on the train during the week and at the breakfast table on the weekends. I had to cope with websites that didn’t provide a “microbrowser” friendly http://m.whatever.com/ version. I used a dedicated app to access timetables of the local public transport system. I used the non-GPS(!) based geolocation capabilities of Google Maps. I used the IM client Fring and bought a license for the Identi.ca/Twitter/Facebook/Google Reader client Gravity. Because of the browser’s bugs I installed Opera Mini. But I had severe memory problems, I couldn’t run no two of them at once—so quite the behavior of the Crapple diePhone. Also, there was always a different and minimalistic browser launching from a text or from Gravity. A cumbersome copy & paste of a URL into the “real” browser killed Gravity. I had to fav tweets or dents to look at URLs on the PC at a later time; I could thus hardly dare to retweet them from the cell. As it was a branded device, there were apparently never any software updates available, although it definitely had its flaws. It took me 2½ years to finally notice that I should have faked its device ID so that I could’ve updated it as if it were unbranded. But after those three years I decided that it was just too late to mess around with it, as I thought it’s time for something that comes up to my needs. Coming up: Android
Yeah, Google is a data leech. I know. But what should I do? Buy the you-know-what instead? Btw, this will be my second Motorola device after my StarTAC 75 from 1998. Friday, October 23. 2009Localization FAIL![]() This is the most extreme example I came over so far for why I refuse to use the German language in all technical or scientific texts. Most of my technical postings in this weblog are in English to serve help-seeking people from all places in the world; the “inter-” in “internet” stands for international, btw., and the international language for technical or scientific texts is (US-)English. The common programming languages are made of English words (if, else, while, true, false, whatever) and rely on the English keyboard layout for easy insertion of special characters ({}, [], \, /, etc.). The German localization of menu entries in all kinds of electronic devices is pervaded with weird abbreviations. That’s why I operate everything, from PC to digital camera, in the original language. (And I prefer TV series and movies in their original.) Now look at this screenshot of a German-localized cell phone: “Alle Radiofunk. w. ausg. Sie können nur Anw. verw., b. den. k.ein Funksen. z. Eins. kom.” ¿WTF? Funny, the Germans are dumb enough to not understand any English, but they’re smart enough to understand the meaning of that text and of the term “Flight mode”. (Btw, this reminds me of a TV ad about a brand called Splendid, where they say “Das find’ ich echt splendid!” as if anyone of their target audience knew its meaning.) Sunday, March 1. 2009Configuring Bluetooth on Linux 5ucks!![]() Because it’s a pain, a short reminder for myself on how to connect a Bluetooth capable cell phone with a Debian box:
In your cell’s Bluetooth settings you could now permanently authorize your PC. The next cat < /dev/rfcomm0 shouldn’t initiate a pin request anymore. Monday, January 29. 2007Meeting of the generations![]()
Friday, December 29. 2006A history of my cell phones![]()
We’re writing the year 1996. TV commercials start to add something like “www.companyname.com” at the bottom corners of the screen. Cell phones start to become popular. Some mates I met at the Austrian Federal Armed Forces used such things to phone with their girlfriends. As I didn’t have a girlfriend, I didn’t need a cell phone. It was the time when cell phones began to drop down from the managers to the rednecks, who carried them on their belts as if they were revolvers, always ready to draw.
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