Tuesday, August 26. 2008Canon EOS 50D announced![]() I was really surprised when I read that Canon itself leaked a webpage describing an EOS 50D! The surprise was due to the usual timespan of 1½ years after which Canon presented a successor of their respective EOS line. As the EOS 40D was presented in fall 2007, I didn’t expect a 50D to come before spring 2009. But probably the 50D came a little earlier to be placed against Nikon’s D300 that really outperforms the 40D. Having a brief look at the specs I have the impression that it’s rather a minor advance compared to the 40D, fortifying the impression of a pure marketing decision rather than a real technology jump. The significant changes in my eyes are
In the end only the last one in that list could be of interest if it implies a lower noise behavior at the same ISO speed. The jump from 30D to 40D was much more significant in my eyes, while that from 20D to 30D was only a cosmetic one in a similar way. However, as there obviously won’t be another successor in spring 2009, I can now be sure that my EOS 40D will stay a top camera for at least another year. Much more interesting in my eyes is the upcoming EOS 5D
Posted by Stephan Paukner
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Thursday, August 14. 2008Digitale Bilder organisieren![]() Obwohl ich schon einmal hier laut darüber nachgedacht habe, wie ich meine (digitalen) Fotos organisieren soll, reagiere ich nun auf eine Blogparade zu diesem Thema, auch um mich selbst etwas mehr zur Fotografie anzuspornen.
Thursday, July 31. 2008Wide angle views![]()
Well, and although I originally wanted to plan far into the future by only buying lenses that could be used on FF sensors one day, this is already my second lens that just fits on crop sensors. So, what about that? I finally came to an opinion that I found best expressed in the 10-22mm lens review by Bob Atkins: Some people refuse to buy EF-S or other APS-C coverage lenses because “one day” they intend to own a full frame DSLR and I guess that’s a valid viewpoint. It would be more valid if they actually owned a full frame DLSR now, but I suppose they are planning ahead. Personally I think I’ll be shooting with a 1.6x DSLR for at least the next 3-4 years, and even if I buy a full frame DLSR at that point I’ll probably keep a 1.6x body for backup. ’Nuff said. The first serious use of that lens will be the documentation of our current and our new lodging that’s currently under construction. But I’ll mainly aim that tool at landscapes.
Posted by Stephan Paukner
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Monday, June 9. 2008Getting more professional![]() Meanwhile two more tools went into my gear: A pricey outdoor photo backpack (Lowepro Primus AW) and a tripod (Manfrotto 190XPROB with 3D head 804RC2). I need the tripod to make nice long exposures, e.g. in low light or for flowing water, and the backpack is able to carry it. However, for a city guy like me it isn’t that easy to start doing nature photography. This weekend I had planned to capture the sunrise at a pond, hoping for nice morning fog and reasonably clear sky, as it was rather rainy. However, we met friends in the evening before, had some pizza, and I went to bed after midnight. The alarm clock was set for 4.00am. At about 2.30am I woke up with a slight heartburn, and couldn’t fall asleep again until I finally turned the planned alarm off. At about 6.30am I woke up again and had a look outside the window: Morning fog, sunrise glowing in orange and yellow. Damn! But I think it’s just a case of getting used to that, and probably I have it in my genes anyway, as my father is a passionate huntsman and used to getting home late or up early, enjoying to sit in the dark cold for hours. Next try coming soon.
Posted by Stephan Paukner
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Wednesday, December 19. 2007Mine!![]() It took me long to finally get there, but the EOS 40D is now mine, all mine! I spent more than €2700 today for the body, the EF-S 17-55mm, two 4GB CF cards, a polarizer, a cleaning brush and a bag. I had some vouchers with a total of €500, and Canon’s Cashback sales promotion will decrease the amount by another €130. The first thing I thought at home after unpacking was: What the hell am I going to do with such a big camera? But before I do so, I have to become acquainted with the camera. It wouldn’t make sense to try to shoot nice pictures seriously when the result isn’t predictable.
Posted by Stephan Paukner
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Friday, September 21. 2007Ultimate lens considerations, IV![]() I noticed that a 24-70mm lens definitely cannot be a standard walkaround lens for a 1.6× crop camera, as the equivalent 38mm are definitely not wide angle. I’d have to switch to the dedicated wide angle lens too often. Sure, my PowerShot also starts at only 35mm, but most compact cameras simply lack wide angle focal lengths. Therefore I was thinking about a lens that starts at 17mm or 18mm, what equals 27-28mm on a crop camera. There were several candidates, and I was struggling a lot, as each had its advantages and disadvantages. One promising candidate was the Canon EF 17-40mm f/4 L USM, but although it is a Luxury (L) lens and has an ultrasonic motor, it is rather slow and has no Image Stabilizer, what actually makes it a worse choice compared to the 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM that I was considering earlier. Competing lenses from other manufactures are faster and cheaper, but they lack an ultrasonic motor and are calculated for the APS-C circle only. In addition, the upper limit of 40mm would have made a dedicated 50mm lens almost inevitable.
The main reason for considering the f-stop of 1.2 or the IS for the other lenses is that my PowerShot also has an IS, what actually decreases the aperture values as if the lenses were faster. The following plot of focal length and aperture coverage of the desired lenses considers this by indicated dashed lines:
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Thursday, September 6. 2007Ultimate lens considerations, III![]()
Btw, that private tester also compares the 24-70mm f/2.8 lenses of Canon and Sigma to each other. I drew the following picture of focal length and aperture coverage of my desired lenses: I chose a logarithmic scaling for the horizontal axis, as slight changes in the lower focal lengths already produce a large change in FOV, whereas focal lengths in the high range have to be doubled or even tripled to yield a higher view detail in the same amount. There’s now a gap in the range between 20 and 24mm (@32-38mm), but I don’t consider that as problem. But the big advantage is the wider FOV, what I assume to use more often than its wide end of 20mm (@32mm). Notice the difference:
Posted by Stephan Paukner
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