Tuesday, April 4. 2006Meine Oma hört im Hühnerstall Motörhead![]()
Diesen Spruch habe ich gerade erfunden. Es gab ihn bisher noch nicht in Google, daher bin wirklich ich der Erfinder und der Spruch wird wohl auch noch nie auf ein Heavy-Metal T-Shirt gedruckt worden sein.
War dream![]() Truck from somewhere in the near east, in bad shape, driving on highway. US Army convoy notices, declares it a threat, wants to get it off road. Driving fast. Bump in left turn, truck comes off, breaks through wall. US Army starts to secure place of accident. Behind wall, next to mountain, a bus with muslims having pee-break, think this is attack. Shooting. Muslims hide at mountain, US Army at wall. Grenade launchers, machine guns and bazookas. I should die, but ignore it. I hide behind heavy wall until silence. Above me, I see a kind of heavy gate opening cumbersomely: US army activates secret autonomous “gun machine” with four heavy barrels. Had been secretly built at various places to be activated remotely in case of threat, constructed for undefined targets. I expect the silent raging muslims coming over the wall every minute. Finally, the heavy gun machine raises above wall, but no shooting. I dare to look up, taking gun machine into control. Everybody gone or dead, only some bombs left. I shouldn’t shoot at them. I can leave.
Posted by Stephan Paukner
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Thursday, March 30. 2006Separability of Banach spaces![]()
I mulled repeatedly for some weeks over the fact, why a Banach space is separable if any element can be approximated by a sequence of finite dimensional elements. It has been formulated as
Finally, I remembered: Every (finite dimensional) vector space has a (finite) basis. I.e., if
Posted by Stephan Paukner
in Master's Thesis
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Tuesday, March 28. 2006I don't car about it![]()
Just some facts: Deregistration confirmed, car insuration cancelled by today, keeping current bonus level for next car. Bought car at May 29th, 2001. Drove about
Posted by Stephan Paukner
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Monday, March 27. 2006Car sold!![]()
I didn’t think that it would go so quickly: I received a call yesterday evening at 19:00h, and So, we filled out the act of sale in his livingroom and did the deal. We met once again this morning, where I handed him out the latest ÖAMTC-attestation. With this, he will care for the deregistration tomorrow.
Posted by Stephan Paukner
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Saturday, March 25. 2006Migration successful![]() Today I finished migrating my server to a new system. The LAMP-site consisting of 3 domains, which also runs an MTA and mailing list software, has been moved from Debian ‘woody’ to Debian ‘testing’ (alias ‘etch’). Insiders know that this is quite a big jump, leaving out the ‘sarge’ release. The main reason for this move was dying hardware: I expect either the graphics board or the SCSI-controller to be the cause, as they both are from 1998. Once in a while some system processes ended up in a segmentation fault, so I looked for a new (used) PC, which should become the successor. It was a good opportunity to clean up the system, as the old one had its roots in a time when I made my first steps with Debian and wanted to maintain everything using ./configure && make && make install. Now, I want to avoid this and use the original Debian packages, because these days some commonly used additions are now officially available. Also, with Debian ‘testing’, there won’t be so gigantic delays between new releases of packages. The interesting increments in the version numbers are: MySQL 4.0.20→5.0.18, Postfix 1.1.11→2.2.9, Courier-IMAP 1.4.3→3.0.8, Apache 1.3.31→2.0.55 and PHP 4.3.8→5.1.2.
Posted by Stephan Paukner
in Information Technology
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Wednesday, March 22. 2006Car for sale![]() ![]()
Posted by Stephan Paukner
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Progress in functional analysis, II![]()
I noticed that all those foundations in functional analysis are really very important for applications in Fourier analysis and Gabor analysis. Besides the special books, I’ll work through Blatter’s “Wavelets”, because it provides a really good approach to that topic. Also, Heil’s script about bases in Hilbert spaces and a syllabus about Fourier analysis will give a good occasion for repetition. As another milestone, my employer agreed to reduce my working times. I wanted to have reached this with April, but the agreement won’t be valid until May. So, I’ll make my Fridays to free-days for another month. Beginning with May, I’ll only have to work for 28 hours/week, which was my threshold of pain. I hope I still can reduce this amound a bit. If I start working at 8:00h, I want to leave at about 15:00h to be able to sit at my desk at 16:00h. I’ll have to comply with my working hours strictly.
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