Thursday, July 11. 2013DSLR upgrade considerations![]() It took me some time to write a post about photo gear. As my Canon EOS 40D is now really becoming old, I’m looking for an upgrade. Sadly, my photography hasn’t evolved much, so I most probably won’t wait for the 7D Mk II (if that one still makes sense, given the 6D) and will stay with their prosumer x0D line. Surprisingly, it took Canon three years to introduce a successor to the 60D: The EOS 70D. Although I originally considered the 60D a downgrade within that line, my view has changed with its successor: The reduced weight is not something negative, the reduced size is minimal, the plastic housing at least has got weather sealing, and the swivel screen perfectly fits the camera’s video capabilities. I’d get (compared to the 40D):
So, quite a jump in technology during the last six years. I plan my purchase for the end of this year.
Posted by Stephan Paukner
in Photography
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