Thursday, July 31. 2008Wide angle views![]()
Well, and although I originally wanted to plan far into the future by only buying lenses that could be used on FF sensors one day, this is already my second lens that just fits on crop sensors. So, what about that? I finally came to an opinion that I found best expressed in the 10-22mm lens review by Bob Atkins: Some people refuse to buy EF-S or other APS-C coverage lenses because “one day” they intend to own a full frame DSLR and I guess that’s a valid viewpoint. It would be more valid if they actually owned a full frame DLSR now, but I suppose they are planning ahead. Personally I think I’ll be shooting with a 1.6x DSLR for at least the next 3-4 years, and even if I buy a full frame DLSR at that point I’ll probably keep a 1.6x body for backup. ’Nuff said. The first serious use of that lens will be the documentation of our current and our new lodging that’s currently under construction. But I’ll mainly aim that tool at landscapes.
Posted by Stephan Paukner
in Photography
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