Tuesday, April 3. 2007Images to vectors and back![]() Regarding the previous questions I noticed that GA on LCA groups is too general for my concerns and that the study of GA on finite abelian groups is enough.
In a certain paper HGFei published a result that for p×q-images where p and q are relatively prime there is an isomorphism to a vector of length N=pq. The theory considers the groups
CODE: > im=img(2:480,:);
> size(im)
ans =
479 480
> gcd(479,480)
ans = 1
Just for a first test I set α=p and β=q and define a primitive mapping function. (I’ll have to find a quicker transform, as in my tests the switching takes too long. But this could be due to the actually large test image. In addition, I currently only manage to do the backward step by storing the indices in an index matrix.)
CODE: > function ii=ma2ve(j,k)
> p=479; q=480; a=p; b=q;
> ii = mod(b*q*j+a*p*k , p*q);
> if ii==0; ii=p*q; end
> endfunction
> ma2ve(1,1)
ans = 1
> ma2ve(1,2)
ans = 229442
> p*q
ans = 229920
I have to return N instead of 0 to have a correct index value. Although the mapping is actually an isomorphism I didn’t know how to go back to the tuple (j,k), so I store the indices in an index matrix while building the image vector:
CODE: > idx=zeros(p,q); imv=zeros(1,N);
> tic; for ii=1:p; for jj=1:q;
> idx(ii,jj) = ma2ve(ii,jj);
> imv(idx(ii,jj)) = im(ii,jj);
> end; end; toc
Elapsed time is 58.358711 seconds.
58 seconds!?
CODE: > plot(imv)
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